Any patient seeking medical attention
- To receive timely, sufficient and quality medical care, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religious beliefs and cultural level.
- To know the name of the doctor who treats him and the name of the nurse who cares for him or is responsible for coordinating his care.
- To be informed about the nature and prognosis of the disease and about the meaning of the necessary tests and treatment.
- To accept or reject research and treatment offered to him, to be informed of existing diagnostic and treatment alternatives and to be free to choose between them.
The right to refuse the proposed treatment can be exercised by the patient within the framework of the laws in force in the country, after being informed about the negative health consequences of this refusal.
- To be promptly examined and treated using approved treatment methods and means and the use of technically sound equipment, and the accompanying care to be applied with the necessary skill, attention and respect.
- To ensure the secrecy of his illness.
- To benefit from the support of family, relatives and friends during treatment.
- To be aware of the costs of his treatment.
- Health education, which includes information about a healthy lifestyle, preventive methods and methods for the early detection of diseases. The patient’s personal responsibility for his own health is essential.
- To be familiar with his duties as a patient.
- To make complaints to higher authorities when his rights set forth in this Charter are violated.
If the patient is in a condition that limits his ability to understand this information, or when it is medically undesirable to give him such information, it is provided to his guardian or legal representative.
This charter has been drawn up on the basis of the recommendations
of the World Medical Association.